Monday, November 28, 2011

Nordstrom Tone III fall/winter pants

Just got the Holiday catalog from Nordstrom. (Love that store.) Some great Tone III and some great prices!

One full page of great Tone III colors from two brands - Kut from the Kloth, Jag Jeans.  The most promising Kut from the Kloth jeans were the red skinny cords ($64.50), the camel flare-leg cords ($79.50) and the eggplant blue essence skinny cords ($98). (Be careful with the eggplant, though, probably not enough gold and richness, but they really do look promising.) If anyone goes to see the eggplant cords, would love a real life viewing - especially if you take that swatch that Sheila gave us!


1 comment:

  1. What a lovely pants collection! I like these design. Thanks for sharing with us your collection. You may get special pants at
